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familiar? 🙂

Going back

To Blogspot perhaps.


Sidenote: Minho get well soon, I see your body twitching like mad in attempt to dance ^^

SHINee HWAITING! (is this how you spell it :3)



Clerical Celibacy

Are a must for priests and I’ll be an atheist the day the Roman Catholic Church absolves them of this.

When You Have 1 Week Off…


Oh, But What's This? 😮

Why it's LucyBelle's Steaming Hot Onion Clam Chowder Risotto!

Second attempt, turned out alot better than the first one which was floating in butter D:

I’m in ricey Heaven 😀


Cause her library fines piled up.


Strawberry Milkshake

Oh what I wouldn’t give for one of these…


Y’all must think this is dead.

Anyway had lunch with zannah and nana after our last paper which didn’t go as well as anyone expected. What happens will happen and I’m resigning myself to the consequences.

So I was watching nana and zannah play in the arcade and as I watched, I couldn’t help but feel like I missed out a part of my childhood. Bright lights, flashing tin boxes, annoying sounds. These have captivated children since ‘pin ball’ and will continue to do so. Contraptions that seek to swindle children out of their pitiful allowances. Fancy schmancy – cheap tricks.

No idea why I’m being harsh to the arcade world.

When I tell people that I’ve never played in an arcade, never felt the thrill of watching the game load, never shot a zombie or an enemy on a screen, never inserted a coin into a slot, they tend to go: where’s your childhood?! or Deprived. Well sorry bishes ❤ I just didn’t have that part.

My dad forbade me to enter the one at causeway point, which all in all made me even more curious. ‘You’ll get addicted.’ he said. Maybe he was right but I’ll never know anyway; it’s far too late to discover whether that would have come to be. I was entranced by the colours but with my father’s warning in mind, I never played a single time. Sure I’ve gone in to watch people play, in particular house of the dead 4,

Most memorable thing about arcades?

Watching people, in particular young boys, do the para para dance. 🙂


Someone give me a tent, a mountain of books and time; Please.